Over a hundred grads and friends gathered at the Geomatics Atlantic 2012 conference on 13 June 2012 in Halifax, to celebrate COGS having turned 25. There were recollections by:
- John Wightman (Principal 1986 – 1994)
- Edward Wedler (Remote Sensing Faculty, 1980s),
- Tim Webster (as each of student, RS Faculty, & Research Scientist), &
- Jim Stanley (Principal 2005 – 2012) who introduced
- Isabel Madiera-Voss (new Principal)
The following power point slide show by Dave MacLean with various photos from Alumni & others was presented at the Geomatics Atlantic COGS gathering: [slideshare id=13351113&doc=cogsturned25-120616112424-phpapp02] (or click here if the slide show does not load)