The first GIS Class of COGS in 1986 (formely Nova Scotia Land Survey Institute) …

Recently we had some photos sent to us that were scanned from the 70-71 and 71-72 NSLSI yearbooks (yearbooks that were done entirely in house without word processor or other electronic equipment).

Photos include an oblique airphoto showing location of NSLSI in Lawerncetown, photos of the Dart Team, NSLSI First year photogrammetry 1971 class, and a photo of Linette & Captain Hogg with some geomatics technology that I am sure that most recent COGS alumni may not be familiar with.

Thanks to Pierre-Yves for sharing these with us.

NSLSI Class of 1967

Photo of the NSLSI Class of 1967

Over a hundred grads and friends gathered at the Geomatics Atlantic 2012 conference on 13 June 2012 in Halifax, to celebrate COGS having turned 25.  There were recollections by:

  • John Wightman (Principal 1986 – 1994)
  • Edward Wedler (Remote Sensing Faculty, 1980s),
  • Tim Webster (as each of student, RS Faculty, & Research Scientist), &
  • Jim Stanley (Principal 2005 – 2012) who introduced
  • Isabel Madiera-Voss (new Principal)

The following power point slide show by Dave MacLean with various photos from Alumni & others was presented at the Geomatics Atlantic COGS gathering:   [slideshare id=13351113&doc=cogsturned25-120616112424-phpapp02]   (or click here if the slide show does not load)

First graduation class of SCP in 1981

First graduation class of SCP in 1981

Front Row: Sai Eng, Patricia Castel, Catherine Bate, Dorothy Gonneau, Leslie Mantin, Michael Tha Din, Grant Fedora.
Back Row: Bruce Peveril, Gary Turner, Mark Croszman, Bob Maher, Patrick Myers, Bill Faulkner, Brian Amirault, Bill Farrell, Gary Gill, Les. Smith, Richard Hanebury

COGS - Planning Class of 1979

Class photos for COGS Planning program for years between 1976 and 2007 are available on the COGS website. Such as the Class of 1979 shown above. They are scanning what photos they have but would love to have more,