We have received significant support from faculty, staff and students at COGS. This includes in alphabetic order: David Colville, James Doig, Mike Donnelly, Marlin Gould, Debby Hebb, Dennis Kingston, Trish Leblanc, Ted MacKinnon, Gwen MacNairn, Isabel Madeira-Voss, Phil Milo, Barry Mooney, David Morgan, Roger Mosher, Jonathan Murphy, Bruce Peveril, Bill Power, Dave Raymond, Edward Wedler, John Wightman, David Woolnough. Other reviewers include Paul Colville, Tim Easley, Frank Fox, Heather Leblanc.
Ted MacKinnon designed and managed the story of COGS web site. Jonathan Murphy made available his expertise from the GoGeomatics web site. Dave and Paulette Whitman provided their knowledge of publishing, and writing encouragement.
The opinions are the authors, however we have endeavored to be factually correct, and have consulted other COGS staff, as appropriate.
We hope that a proper understanding of the events leading to the creation of COGS and its transformative nature can prove useful in future thinking about the nature of technical education in a changing technological world. Nova Scotia will need to embrace these location -based technologies, if it wants to strengthen its position in the global economy.
This story is dedicated to the memory of Patricia Castel, Bill Chambers and Walter Morrison. They each contributed significantly to the success of their respective department, and the college community.